Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

(Accredited by N.B.A.)

About Department

The department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is established in 2001.The telecommunications industry is the fastest growing sector in the world and India is projected to become the second largest telecomm market globally. The department is having highly qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching staff. The students of the department always excel in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Under the guidance of management and principal the department is flourishing by lips and bounds and was accredited by NBA (National Board of Accreditation) in 2009. The department is committed to excellence in teaching learning process. Department have received the research grant from AICTE and University of Mumbai. Student's knowledge is enhanced through seminar, workshop, group discussion, guest lecture, paper presentation and industrial visit. Department organizes project competition/presentation to showcase their technical and presentation skills. Our students stood among first 50 ranks in the final year results at university level.

The department started in the year 2001 with intake of 60 has the state of art infrastructure, which includes classrooms and laboratories. Subsequently the strength of the department is increased to 120 in year 2010.

The department is headed by Dr. Ravindra N. Duche. His area of interest includes VLSI and Wireless Sensor Network. The Head of department has rich experience of working at various levels through his academic and industrial career.

  • Our Vision

    The vision of the Electronics and Telecommunication Department is: To impart relevant knowledge to students, emphasizing on creativity and innovation in order to keep pace with rapidly changing technologies for the fulfillment of industrial and social needs.

  • Our Mission

    • To create professionals who are trained in design and implementation of communication system used for multidisciplinary activities
    • To nurture the spirit of innovation, creativity and skill among students to become expert to fulfill the needs of industry & society
    • Inculcating a high regards for ethical principles and an understanding of human and environmental relations.
    • To provide knowledge with academic excellence to make our students better technocrats so that they can start their own path of success.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals, essential to solve engineering problems and to pursue higher studies.
To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to relate engineering issues to broader social context.
To understand core telecommunication concepts theoretical as well as practical by simulation and modelling.
To promote research and development in the field of electronics and telecommunication and to publish research papers to cope up the industrial needs.
To provide knowledge of management, teamwork, presentation and communication skills to enable students to develop entrepreneurship skills.

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 1
Engineering knowledge: Derive the solution of complex engineering problems by applying the knowledge of mathematics, science & engineering fundamentals.
PO 2
Problem analysis: Identifying, formulating & analyzing complex engineering problems using principles of mathematics, applied & engineering science.
PO 3
Design/development of solution: Designing appropriate solutions for complex engineering problems applicable to public health, safety & environmental issues.
PO 4
Conduct investigation of complex problems: Obtain valid result using research oriented information with the help of analysis, synthesis & interpretation of data.
PO 5
Modern tool usage: Apply innovative modern techniques & IT tools to predict & model complex engineering activities
PO 6
The engineer and society: Understand an engineer's responsibility towards society health, safety, legal & cultural issues.
PO 7
Environment and sustainability: To understand the impact of engineering solution on society & environment and thereafter demonstrate the need for sustainable development.
PO 8
Ethics: To develop professional ethics & responsibilities in engineering practices
PO 9
Individual and team work: To develop an ability to work effectively as an individual, team member or leader with diverse teams & multidisciplinary systems.
PO 10
Communication: To inculcate communications skills for technical documentation and presentation of complex engineering activities.
PO 11
Project management and finance: Apply engineering & management principles to manage and estimate project in multidisciplinary systems.
PO 12
Lifelong learning: To be prepared for engaging in lifelong learning in the context of today's rapidly growing technological environment.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)


Ability to analyze and synthesize the telecommunication problems with the help of simulation and modelling.


Able to integrate multidisciplinary engineering streams to meet the needs of society and industry.


Acquaintance with wired and wireless communication techniques to optimize the embedded systems used in various applications for health, security, social and environment.


Developing entrepreneurship ability through training programs, internship, presentations, demonstrations and group discussions.