Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

(Accredited by N.B.A.)

Research & Development

Journal Published

Sr.No Name of Faculty Title Name of Journal Impact of factor / Scopus Year
1 Dr.Ravindra Duche Novel approach to information security management of confide- ential and propriety information using image Steganography Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 2017-18
2 Traffic System using Fuzzy Logic International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9 2017-18
3 Energy-efficient Fault-tolerant Sensor Node Failure Detectionin WSNs IJETI, Vol 6, No. 3, July 2016, pp. 190-201 Scopus 2016-17
1 Dr. Rajeshree Shinde Analysis of Human-Machine Interaction Through Facial Expression and Hand-Gesture Recognition International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 July 2019 Scopus 2019-20
2 Automated Animal/Human Sperm Analysis System Innovative ideas International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, ISSN NO : 2249-7455, Volume-8, Issue-11, November 2018 UGC approved Journal 2019-20
3 Spelled Sign Word Recognition using Key Frames IET Transaction, IET Image Processing, Volume 9, Issue 5, pp.381 – 388 SCI, Impact Factor 2.074,Scopus 2015-16
4 Sign Recognition using Key Frame Selection International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Inderscience Publisher, Vol 9, No 4/5, 2016. SCI, Scopus (Elsevier) 2015-16
5 Recognition of gesture sign using Neural network International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing, Vol 6, Issue 1, April 2016. - 2015-16
1 Ms. Rupali Sawant Resource Allocation and Outage Performance in OFDMA based Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network for Downlink in Underlay Mode International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12 Impact Factor: 5.54 Scopus 2019-20
2 Outage Analysis in Underlay OFDMA Based Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control (SWCC 2020), Scopus 2019-20
3 Intrabody Communication using Android Platform ITSI Transaction on Electrical and Electronics Engg., Vol 4, Issue 1 2016-17
4 The RFID based Smart Shopping Cart International Journal of Engg Research & general Science, Vol 3, Issue 2 2015-16
5 Solar Panel Based Automatic Plant Irrigation System International Journal of Innovative Science, Engg & Technology, Vol 2, Issue 3 2015-16
1 Mr. V. S. Kshirsagar Wheel chair using voice recognition International journal of engineering sciences & research technology” ISSN: 2277-9655 (I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785,February, 2016 2015-16
1 Ms.Vandana Khobragade Concave point Extraction :A Novel method for WBC segmentation in all images Advances in intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) VOL 1085, Springer Singapore 2019-20
2 Restoring Corrupted Images Using Adaptive Fuzzy Filter Research Inventry: International Journal Of Engineering And Science Vol.3, Issue 3, 2013, PP 13-19. 2013-14
3 Hand Gesture Recognition System for The Underprevilaged IJRAT ,Vol.2,Issue 2013-14
1 Ms. Nandini C. Nag Learning Optimum Number of Bases for Indian Languages in Non-negative Matrix Factorization Based Multilingual Speech Separation International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) Scopus 2021-22
2 Non-negative Matrix Factorization on a Multi-lingual Overlapped Speech Signal: A Signal and Perception Level Analysis International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems Scopus 2021-22
3 Investigating Single Channel Source Separation Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and its Variants for Overlapping Speech Signal In proc ICNTE 2019. (Included in IEEE Xplore digital library) Scopus 2019-20
4 Understanding basis function for vowels based on non-negative matrix factorization In proc ICNTE 2017, (Included in IEEE Xplore digital library) Scopus 2017-18
5  Review: Design Aspects of Reconfigurable Antenna International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 7, July 2017, 2017-18
6 Authentication Based Scheme in MANET Using Cluster Based Routing Protocol  IJERA International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, (IJERA) Volume-II Issue-V January 2012 Page no. 2038-43  2011-12
1 Dr. Nitin Deotale MIMO-Orthogonal space time block code system joint with BCH-TC in Rayleigh fading channel for performance oftransmit antenna selection Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Emerland Publication, ISSN Number 1726- 0631, June 2021 Scopus 2020-21
2 Transmit antenna selection in MIMO for continuous phase modulation System FEJEC, Pushpa Publication, ISSN Number 0973-7006, October 2017, Vol. 17 (Pg.567-584) Scopus 2017-18
3 Optimal transmit antenna selection for LTE systems using self adaptive Grey Wolf Optimization. Multiagent and grid system, IOS Press, ISSN Number 1574-1702, June 2018, Vol 14,(Pg. 67-82) Scopus 2017-18
4 Performance comparison of Ergodic Capaciy for MIMO IJESRT, ISSN Number 2277-9655, July 2016 (Pg.349-352) Impact Factor: 3.785 2016-17
1 Ms. Pranita Potey Design of wearable textile antenna for low back radiation Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Taylor & Francis ,vol. 34, 2, pp.{235-245},2020 Scopus 2019-20
2 Zigbee based vehicular adhoc networking International, Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology ,IJIIT Volume-IV Issue-III January2015-2016Paper-07 2015-16
3 Authentication BasedScheme In MANET UsingCluster Based RoutingProtocol IJERA International Journal of Engineering Research andApplications (IJERA) Volume-II Issue-V January2012Page no. 2038-43  2012-13
4  Child tracking system using anroid mobile  International, Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology ,IJIIT Volume-IV Issue-III January2016Paper-07 2015-16
5 E-Braille self learning braille device International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology (IJIIT), Volume-IV Issue-III January2016 ISO9001:2008  2015-16
1 Ms. Sunita Munde Analysis of Human-Machine Interaction Through Facial Expression and Hand-Gesture Recognition International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 July 2019 Scopus 2019-20
1 Mr. Devidas Chikhale ” Impact of Environmenal Parameters on Electromagnetic Signal Propagation” Journal of Advance Research in Applied Science”, Vol. 5, Issue 4, PP 116-124, Impact Factro-5.8, April-2018. 2017-18
2 Impact of Millimeter Wave Communication on Different Approaches of Data Rate Enhancement” Scholarly Research Journal for Inter displinary Studies, ISSN 2278-8808, PP 225-231, Impact Factor 6.177, February 2018. 2017-18
3 Coverage probability of hetnet using Stochastic Geometry and Poisson point Process International Journal of computer Application, Issue 8, Volume 4, july-August 2018 2017-18
4 Advanced VOLGA solutions in LTE network for voice solutions,  International Journal Of Scientific Research And Review, VOLUME 7 ISSUE 4 2018 2017-18
5 Automatic fault detection of railway track using wireless network International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Special Issue, Volume 4 Issue 2, March 2018, e-ISSN: 2394-8299 2017-18
1 Ms. Gitimayee Sahoo Auction theory-based resource allocation in heterogeneous cellular network for 5G International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Inderscience publication Scopus 2021
2 IoT based under water Wireless communication Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Proceedings of 8th ICICSE, Springer Publication DOI: 10.1007/978-981-33-4543-0_5 Scopus 2021
3 An Approach to Reduce Interference using FFR in Heterogeneous network SN Computer Science, Adaptive Computational Intelligence Paradigms and Applications volume 1, Article number: 100 (2020) Scopus 2019-20
4 Design and Full wave Greens Function Analysis of Two layer Hemispherical DRA Emerging trends in Electrical,
communications and Information Technologies, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer Nature
Scopus 2019-20
5 Enhancement of cost efficiency of fem to cell by mobile traffic of loading 16th IEEE INDICONS 2019 Scopus 2019-20
6 Wireless Backhaul Networks: Centralized Vs Distributed Scenario International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, Inderscience publication(in press) Scopus 2019-20
7 Coverage probability of HetNet using Stochastic geometry and Poisson Point Process International Journal of Computer Application (2250-1797), Issue 8 Volume 4, July-August 2018, UGC approved 2018-19
1 Ms.Jayshree Sonawane Analysis of Human-Machine Interaction Through Facial Expression and Hand-Gesture Recognition International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 July 2019 Scopus 2019-20
2 Recognition of gesture sign using Neural network  International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing, Vol 6, Issue 1, April 2016. 2015-16
1 Mr.Sheshmal Shingne Security system design based on human face detection and recognition on android platform  International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and control Engineering (IJIREEICE), Volume 3, Issue3, July 2015. 2015-16
2 Principle Component Analysis based Human face recognition using MATLAB  International Journal of Engineering and Management Research(IJEMR), Volume 6, Issue 3,May-June 2016. 2015-16
3 Advanced VOLGA solutions in LTE networks for voice applications  International Journal of Scientific Research and Review(IJSRR), Volume 7, Issue 4 , April 2018 2017-18
1 Mr. Mohd Farhan Techniques to Improve Directive Gain of Printed Monopole Antenna for Wireless Application International Journal of Emerging Research And Management (IJERM) ISSN 2349-2058, Volume 02, Issue 3, March, 2015. 2015-16
2 High Gain Printed Monopole Antenna for Wireless Applications  International Journal of Engineering Research And General Science (IJERGS) ISSN 2091-2730, Nepal, Volume 03, Issue 2, April, 2015. 2015-16
3 Design & Realization of Tri-Band Monopole Antenna for Wireless Application  International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE) ISSN 2321-2004, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2016 DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2016.4710. 2016-17
4 Smart Hospital using IOT International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) ISSN 2229-5518, Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018. 2017-18
1 Ms. Gauri Ashtankar Intelligent accident avoidance system" novateur publications  International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET] ISSN: 2454-7875 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 6, Jun -2017, Page No 73-75. 2016-17
2 Review: Design Aspects of Reconfigurable Antenna”  International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 7, July 2017, ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 2017-18
1 Mr.Vaibhav Palav Comparison of energy efficient aodv and aodv protocol using ns2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT, Volume 4, Issue 6 ,ISSN: 234-5197 (June- 2017). 2016-17
2 Handwritten character recognition using neural network with comparing results with features extraction technique UGC approved journal IJIREEICE ,vol.5,Issue 7,July 2017.ISSN (online-2321-2004 ,print -2321-5526) 2017-18
1 Ms.Susmita Dutta Intelligent accident avoidance system International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET] ISSN: 2454-7875 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 6, Jun -2017, Page No 73-75. 2016-17

Conference Published

Sr.No. Name of Faculty Total no. Of International Conference Total no. Of National Conference
1 Dr.Ravindra Duche 5 2
2 Dr. Rajeshree Rokade 7 2
3 Ms.Rupali Sawant 5 2
4 Ms. Vandana Khobragade 4 0
5 Mr. Vikas S. Kshirsagar 1 2
6 Ms. Nandini C .Nag 3 1
7 Mr. Nitin Deotale 7 0
8 Ms. Pranita Potey 7 4
9 Ms Sunita N. Munde 11 7
10 Ms. Supriya Sonsurkar 3 2
11 Mr. Devidas Chikhale 4 2
12 Ms. Gitimayee Sahoo 13 4
13 Ms.Jayshree Sonawane 8 2
14 Mr.Sheshmal Shingne 1 1
15 Mr. Mohd Farhan 8 1
16 Ms. Gauri Ashtankar 3 1
17 Mr.Vaibhav Palav 2 1
18 Ms.Susmita Dutta 1 1
19 Ms.Vrushali Bendre 2 0

Book Published

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Books Published ISBN no Publisher Name
1 Dr. Rajeshree Shinde Digital Image Processing 978-93-5014-645-3 S. K. Kataria and sons
2 Dr. Rajeshree Shinde Technical Approach for Gesture Recognition” 9789389808858 Education Publishing, July 2020
3 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Analog Electronics II 9789383352081 Synergy Knowledgeware
4 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Discrete Electronics Circuit     9789383352098
5 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Satellite communication 9789383352050
6 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Electronic devices and circuits 9789383352197
7 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Satellite communication and Networks       9789383352111 
8 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Electronic devices and circuits-I 9789383352371 
9 Mr. Mohd. Farhan Electronic devices and circuits-II 9789383352579 


Sr. No.

Patent Number


Patent Name

Academic year




Dr. Ravindra Duche

Round trip delay (RTD) Protocol to detect faulty wireless sensor node in wireless sensor network




Sr. No.

Copyright Number 


Copyright Name

Academic year




Dr. Rajeshree Shinde

Digital Image Processing steps





Dr. Ravindra Duche

Creative Assignments for
Engineering and Technology Students



Minor Research Grant

Sr.No Name of the Project/ Endowments Name of the Principal Investigator/ Coinvestivator Year of Award Amount
1 Sign language recognition as a virtual aid for dyslexia kids Ms. Sunita Chavan 2019-20 Rs. 25,000
2 IOT based under water wireless communication Ms. Gitimayee Sahu 2019-20 Rs. 25,000
3 Optimization of full adder circuit using different VLSI design styles Dr. Ravindra Duche 2018-19 Rs. 20,000
4 Water management system Ms.Susmita Dutta 2018-19 Rs. 15,000
5 Camouflage Robot Ms.Vrushali Bendre 2018-19 Rs. 15,000
6 Voice based character using VRM module Mr. V. S. Kshirsagar 2017-18 Rs. 23,000
7 i-Assistant Mr. Mohd Farhan 2017-18 Rs. 22,000
8 TACTILE Device-Text to Braille Converter Ms. Gauri Ashtankar 2017-18 Rs. 24,000
9 Design of Wireless Sensor Network with modular sensor node using Energy Efficient path Mr.Vaibhav Palav 2017-18 Rs. 20,000
10 Modelling of MIMO system for antenna selection Mr. Nitin Deotale 2016-17 Rs. 30,000
11 E-VANET: Modelling Wi-Fi and GPS based communication for vehicle network Ms. Pranita Potey 2016-17 Rs. 34,000
12 GPS/GSM based vehicle tracking system Ms Sunita N. Munde 2016-17 Rs. 30,000
13 To study the impact of Environmental parameters like foliage and free space loss, oxygen, water vapour, rain, humidity, brightness temperature on propagation condition in Millimetre wave range Mr. Devidas Chikhale 2016-17 Rs. 20,000
14 Mobile data offloading Technique in Mobile network using WI-Fi and Femto cell Ms. Gitimayee Sahoo 2016-17 Rs. 20,000
15 Automated identification of retinal diseases Ms.Jayshree Sonawane 2016-17 Rs. 25,000
16 Development of Image processing related embedded product, with face and Iris detection and recognition functionality with IoT and wireless IoT features Mr.Sheshmal Shingne 2016-17 Rs. 24,000
17 IRIS Recognition Based Security System Using Optimized Feature Vectors and Classifiers Prof. Vandana Khobragade and Rajeshree Shinde 2014-15 Rs. 30,000
18 Power efficient Intelligent classrooms Prof. Rupali Sawant and Supriya Sonsurkar 2012-13 Rs. 18,000
19 Remote machine operation using virtual screen Prof. Nandini Nag and Pranita Potey 2012-13 Rs.10,000